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Third Party Monitoring of TUNAWEZA Project in South Kivu : Coherence Fund for the Stabilization of Eastern DRC

The TUNAWEZA Project is part of the Coherence Fund for the Stabilization of Eastern DRC, (MONUSCO-UNDP). The aim of the project is to build trust and social cohesion between local communities in the Fizi territory and the town of Baraka, in South Kivu, with an approach including Dialogue and Political Engagement, integrative projects and economic revival, as well as combatting speech through the media.

In order to verify the effectiveness of the project’s activities, the consistency of their implementation by the implementation partners, the relevance of the project and the sustainability of its achievements after funding, and to provide information on the various indicators of trust and inter-community social cohesion, Third Party Monitoring (TPM) was commissioned by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and carried out by the research firm Innovations et Entrepreneuriat Social (IES) in September 2023. A mixed-methods approach was adopted, consisting mainly of quantitative and qualitative data collection, supported by irrefutable evidences. Data and evidences were collected in the town of Baraka and the localities of Mongemonge, Tujenge and Bibokoboko.

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