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Third-Party Monitoring in support of the Coherence Fund for Stabilization in DRC (MONUSCO-UNDP) in South-Kivu

IES offers its partners a TPM (Third Party Monitoring) service that is independent, impartial, responsive, contextualized and forward-looking with operational support services.

IES provides a full range of verification and monitoring services of activities, outputs, outcomes, and learning for its partners, even and learning services for its partners, even in non-accessible areas, using technology through its RT-MEAL (Real-Time Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning) platform, accessible via

This is the case of the one-year consultancy in Uvira and Fizi (South Kivu) for the Fund for Stabilization in the DRC (MONUSCO-UNDP), which seeks to ensure that progress is satisfactorily aligned with contractual commitments, verify that progress/results reported by partners are in fact supported by evidence on the ground, and identify obstacles and bottlenecks for the UJAMAA project executed by the ZOA, KUA and PSVS consortium in Bibokoboko, Kafulo, Kilicha and Lulimba as well as the ESPASK project executed by the Cordaid, VNG, GASAP, SOFIBEF and CDJP consortium in Bijombo and Lemera. These projects address three themes: inclusive and participatory local governance, management of land conflicts and conflicts related to transhumance, peace and security.

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