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Inclusive Finance & Micro-Entrepreneurship

In the context of multi-faceted crises (COVID-19, Ebola, Volcano, repeated wars, earthquake; ...) and multi-dimensional poverty in Eastern DRC, IES as a Think-Do-Tank seeks to strengthen socio-economic resilience and social cohesion in Eastern DRC (South Kivu and North Kivu) through innovative approaches of inclusive finance.

Women and youth (boys and girls) and other vulnerable people are the priority target of IES.

Not only are these young people and women trained in entrepreneurship and savings through community-based approaches (VISLA: village saving and loan association) but they are also supported in their entrepreneurial initiatives by IES through the Kivu AMKA project. This project aims to strengthen the empowerment and socio-economic resilience of these beneficiaries.


The VISLA are small self-managed groups of 5 to 15 self-selected people who meet regularly to save a sum of money weekly in a common fund, to grant a small credit to their members in need at a very low interest rate and to assist each other through a solidarity fund in case of need. These young people and women trained in micro-entrepreneurship who demonstrate assets and/or desire to undertake for their socio-professional integration are accompanied in the design of their business plans. If they do not have sufficient means to launch the micro-enterprise (business plan), they are sometimes supported financially and / or technically in the launch and / or development of these micro-enterprises through this same Kivu AMKA project. It should be noted that this project aspires to become in the long run not only an entrepreneurial incubator but also a microfinance institution for young people and women entrepreneurs. This institution will develop products adapted to each category of clients on the basis of the research conducted.