MAENDELEO PAMOJA is a transitional aid project, integrated in the German bilateral program « Promotion of stability and peaceful and inclusive development in Eastern DRC« . This study, conducted by IES in South-Kivu (Kamanyola Luvungi and Kakamba) as part of its partnership with GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), aims to analyze the specific roles and responsibilities of men, women and youth in social cohesion (collaboration of women and men in non-violent conflict management), in agricultural value chains and in local governance structures (GDCs and VDCs) in order to provide recommendations on the implementation approach of the cross-cutting theme « GENDER » in the MAENDELEO PAMOJA interventions.
Based on a mixed-methods approach involving qualitative and quantitative data, this study allows to (i) better understand the power dynamics and associated barriers that impact women’s access to and control over resources as well as at various levels-such as the household, community, province/region, etc. ); (ii) identify and propose solutions that can address these barriers; (iii) identify risks of gender-based violence (including sexual violence) associated with program implementation and develop mitigating measures; and (iv) formulate indicators for monitoring and evaluating gender activities throughout the project.